[ID:183] Exploring the Universe with Neutrinos and Gravitational Waves (Plenary Speaker)
[ID:18] An Investigation of Aharonov-Bohm Effect Towards the Potential Use for the Gravitational Wave Detection (Oral)
[ID:28] Galaxy Evolution in Different Environment Within Redshift z~0.8 Universe (Oral)
[ID:35] Exoplanets Transit Timing Variation and Transit Duration Variation Catalogue from TESS (Poster)
[ID:48] Calibrating the Global Star Formation Rate Indicator at Rest-frame 48 GHz Free-free Emission in z 2 Star-forming Galaxies (Oral)
[ID:52] Fitting Electron Spectrum from AMS-02 by Pulsar-Wind Nebulae (Oral)
[ID:61] Isochrone Fitting of ACS Survey Globular Clusters Using the PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code (PARSEC) (Oral)
[ID:64] Light Curve Analysis of the Binary V781 Tau (Poster)
[ID:66] Ganymede’s Magnetic Footprint Brightness and Location with Respect to Main Emission (Poster)
[ID:82] Radio Telescope Development Kit for Education (Poster)
[ID:97] Upper Limits on Dark Matter Annihilation by Cosmic-Ray Electrons and Positrons in the Solar Neighborhood (Oral)
[ID:98] LBA Full Polarization Observations of the Excited OH and Methanol Masers in G351.417+0.645 (Oral)
[ID:101] Galaxy Clusters & AGN Feedback: The Clusters Hiding in Plain Sight (CHiPS) Survey (Oral)
[ID:104] Preliminary Observation of Asymmetrical Morphology of Crab Nebula (Oral)
[ID:110] Orbital Period Change of V619 Peg Binary System (Oral)
[ID:119] Radio and Optical Observations of the Crab Pulsar (Oral)
[ID:125] The Pointing Model of 4.5-m Small Radio Telescope at NARIT (Oral)
[ID:130] Detectability of Exomoons by Examining the Signals from a Model of Transiting Exoplanets with Moons Using TransitFit (Oral)
[ID:134] Retrieving Exoplanet Atmospheric Parameters Using Random Forest Regression (Oral)
[ID:135] Astrometric Observations of Water Maser Sources Toward the Galactic Center with VLBI (Oral)
[ID:138] The Study of the Strongest Solar Event on the Minimum Range of the Solar Cycle 24 (Oral)
[ID:139] The Spectral Energy Distribution of X-ray Pair Halos from the Gamma-ray Sources with a Power-law Continuum (Poster)
[ID:158] Orbital Variation of Circumbinary Planets (Poster)
[ID:177] Profile Frequency Evolution of PSR J0828-3417 and PSR J1057-5226 with Parkes’s Ultra-Wideband Low Receiver (UWL) (Oral)
[ID:178] Single Pulse Energy Distribution of PSR B1822-09 (Poster)
[ID:179] Astronomical Seeing Forecast for the Thai National Observatory (Oral)
[ID:181] Unique View through the Window of Radio Astronomy with Very Long Baseline Interferometry (Invited Speaker)
[ID:182] Composite Inflaton in the Nambu—Jona-Lasio model (Invited Speaker)
[ID:56] Design of a Beam Current Monitoring System for a Compact LINAC Accelerator (Poster)
[ID:196] SPS-II: Thai 3GeV Machine for the Future (Invited Speaker)
[ID:30] Cumulants Cn of the Chiral Order Parameter in a Nonequilibrium Chiral Bjorken Model Near the QCD Critical Point (Oral)
[ID:34] R-Symmetry Breaking in Broken Supersymmetric Vacuum in SUSY Gauge Theory (Oral)
[ID:45] 20-Inch Photomultiplier Tube Timing Study for JUNO (Oral)
[ID:51] Janus Solutions from Four-Dimensional Gauged Supergravities with Different Numbers of Supercharges (Oral)
[ID:71] AdS/CFT Holography from Gauged Supergravities (Invited Speaker)
[ID:73] Study of Electroweak Penguin $B$ Decays at Belle II Experiment (Oral)
[ID:88] Holographic RG Flows from Four-Dimensional N=6 and N=2 Gauged Supergravities (Oral)
[ID:15] Microanalysis of Thai amulet: Phra Luang Pho Thuad (Poster)
[ID:108] Effect of Electron Beam Irradiation on Natural Bioactive Compounds of Germinated Brown Thai Hom Mali Rice (Oryza cultiva L.) (Oral)
[ID:164] Assessment of Contamination of Natural and Anthropogenic Radionuclides in Rice Samples Collected from Songkhla Province, Thailand (Poster)
[ID:166] Age-Dependent Dose and Carcinogenic Risk Assessment for Radionuclide 210Po in 5 Species of Shellfish, Thailand (Poster)
[ID:171] Gamma Irradiation on Seed Germination of Thailand Upland Rice (Oryza sativa L.) (Poster)
[ID:188] Radioactivity in Thai Rice and Medicinal Plants (Invited Speaker)
[ID:16] Effect Electric Potential Across Electrodes for Trapping Joss Stick Smoke Particles Using DBD at Atmospheric Pressure (Oral)
[ID:58] Simulation of 3D Vortex Jets in Plasma Torch Application (Oral)
[ID:74] Simulation Study of Supersonic Molecular Beam Injection as Fueling System for Thailand Tokamak I (Oral)
[ID:75] Plasma Heating System for Thailand Tokamak I (Oral)
[ID:76] An Overview of Data Acquisition and Plasma Control System of Thailand Tokamak I (Oral)
[ID:77] Radiation Safety and Licensing Process for Thailand Tokamak Experimental Facility (Oral)
[ID:103] Diagnostic System for PMI Linear Device (Oral)
[ID:114] ELMs Dynamics Simulations Based on Bifurcation Approach (Oral)
[ID:118] Investigation of Interactions of Filaments using Simulations Based on 2D Fluid Equations (Oral)
[ID:121] Effects of Resistivity and Pellet Injection on Edge Localized Modes (Oral)
[ID:122] TINT Initiative on Fusion Energy Program in Thailand: Current Status and Outlook (Invited Speaker)
[ID:132] The Effect of Magnetic Topology of Polywell Fusion Devices on The Electron Confinement Time (Oral)
[ID:169] Estimation of Impurity Release from Planar Liquid Surface in Plasma (Poster)
[ID:172] The Corrosion Behavior in the Plasma Torch Electrodes (Oral)
[ID:174] Study of Impurity Transport in the SOL and Divertor Regions based on Extended Five-Point Model (Invited Speaker)
[ID:37] The New Evidence from the Fingerprint Region in FT-IR Spectra to Indicate the Heat Treatment of Blue Sapphire Samples (Poster)
[ID:43] Coherent Length Measurement of Single Photons using Mach – Zehnder Interferometer (Poster)
[ID:57] Dimensionality Reduction in Quantum Channels (Poster)
[ID:109] Effect of Light-Induced Atomic Desorption on Atomic Vapor Pressure in a Rubidium Glass Cell (Oral)
[ID:111] Manipulation of Atomic Density in a Vapor Cell using Light-Induced Atomic Desorption (Poster)
[ID:128] Heuristic Compactness Maximization Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Single-Atoms Traps Rearrangement (Oral)
[ID:131] Dynamics of Spiral Waves in a Closed Photosensitive Excitable Chemical System (Poster)
[ID:189] Future of Atomic Clock Towards the Redefinition of the Second (Invited Speaker)
[ID:17] Entanglement of Valence Bond Solid States in Different Topologies (Oral)
[ID:53] Partial Wick Rotation in Quantum Random Walk (Oral)
[ID:190] Single Photon Emission from Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond (Invited Speaker)
[ID:142] Methylmercury Quantification Using A DNA-based Optical Sensor Coupled with a Portable Fluorometer (Poster)
[ID:160] Electrostatic Influence on the Excited-State Twisting of Thioflavin T Binding to Bimolecular G-Quadruplex DNA: A Computational Study (Oral)
[ID:191] Multidisciplinary Research on Bacterial Protein Toxins: Upstream toward Downstream Innovative Applications (Invited Speaker)
[ID:32] The Stability and Electronic Structure of Magnesium Hydride and Magnesium Deuteride Under High Pressure (Oral)
[ID:44] Electronic Band Structures of MnS and Cr-Doped MnS Zinc Blende Materials Using DFT+U (Poster)
[ID:67] In Search for Room-Temperature Superconductors under Pressure (Invited Speaker)
[ID:46] Fabrication of SnO2 by RF Magnetron Sputtering for Electron Transport Layer of Planar Perovskite Solar Cells (Poster)
[ID:47] Improving the Triple-Cation Perovskite Solar Cells Efficiency by Two-Step Deposition Methods with Perovskite Seeds (Poster)
[ID:92] Physicochemical Properties of PSF/NH2-SiO2 Composite Membranes Incorporated by Polymeric Additives (Poster)
[ID:94] Synthesis of Nano-Silica Xero-Gel from Rice Straw Ash (Poster)
[ID:95] The Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube-Silicon Hybrid Photodetectors Using a Hydrophobic Process of Buffered-Oxide Etchant (Oral)
[ID:100] Fabrication and Optical Characterization of Reduced Graphene Oxide/Silver Nanoparticle Hybrid Structures for Near-Infrared Photodetection (Oral)
[ID:116] TiO2 Porous Nanoparticles Synthesized by Co-Condensation Method Using Different Temperatures (Poster)
[ID:144] Physical and Electrochemical Properties of Vanadium Nitride and Copper Films with High Copper Content (Poster)
[ID:155] Effect of Zr content on the Structure and Morphology of CrZrN Thin Films Prepared by Reactive DC Magnetron Co-Sputtering Method (Oral)
[ID:192] Synchrotron-Based Spectromicroscopic Analysis of Diamond-like Carbon Films (Invited Speaker)
ID:9] Environment Friendly Concrete Made from Portland Cement and Aggregate Replacement Materials (Poster)
[ID:10] Magnetic and Electrochemical Properties of Nickel Oxide Microstructures Prepared by Hydrothermal Method (Poster)
[ID:13] The Facile One-Step Hydrothermal Method for the Preparation of MnO2 Nanoparticles: Structural and Electrochemical Properties (Poster)
[ID:21] Structural and Electronic Properties of LiMnO2 Doped with Transition Metals: A First-Principles Study (Poster)
[ID:60] Mechanical and Physical Properties of Water Hyacinth and Cogon Grass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Resin Composites (Poster)
[ID:70] Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Synthesized by Using Templating Technique (Poster)
[ID:96] Near-Infrared Photodetection Using Graphene Sheets Coupled with Metallic Nanoantennas (Oral)
[ID:145] Magnetocaloric Effect of Evaporated Fe on Gd Foils (Oral)
[ID:165] Development and Study on Mechanical Properties of Small Diameter Artificial Blood Vessel by Using Electrospinning And 3D Printing (Oral)
[ID:193] Flexible Thermoelectric Device: From Materials to Applications (Invited Speaker)
[ID:54] Synthesis of the Platinum Particle with the PH Variation for the Particle Size Control (Poster)
[ID:107] Fabrication of Encapsulated Graphene-Based Heterostructure Using Molybdenum as Edge-Contacts (Oral)
[ID:126] Angle Dependent Spectrum Measurement of Opal like Structure Described by Bragg-Snell Diffraction and Perturbed Photonic Band Structure (Poster)
[ID:185] Synchrotron X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (SXAS): An Advanced Characterization Tool For Nano-scaled Materials and Physics (Invited Speaker)
[ID:86] Efficiency of Supercapacitor with CaTiO3-filled Polysulfone Separators (Poster)
[ID:115] The Physical and Electronic Properties of Lead-free (K1-xNaxNbO3) under Stress-Strain at Temperature and Pressure Change (Poster)
[ID:124] Planar Multi-Layer Perovskite Solar Cell with Graded Energy Band Structure via Fast-Drying Spray Deposition (Oral)
[ID:141] The behaviors of output efficiency of n-type and p-type Bi2Te3 thermoelectric cell rod with difference of leg height (Poster)
[ID:147] Energy Conversion of Electrostrictive Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride-Co-Hexafluoropropylene) /Graphene Composites (Poster)
[ID:157] Preparation and Electrostictive Properties of Polyurethane Filled with Polypyrrole-Carbon Black for the Energy Harvesting Application (Poster)
[ID:186] Novel Perovskite Processes for Solar Cells and LEDs (Invited Speaker)
[ID:14] Two Axis Sun Tracking System Using Fuzzy Logic Control (Oral)
[ID:39] Correlations between PM2.5 and Meteorological Variables in Chiang Mai, Thailand (Poster)
[ID:41] Sensitivity of Different Physics Schemes Using WRF Model in Typhoon Damrey (2017) over the Indochina Region (Oral)
[ID:49] Drought Analysis over Northern Thailand Based on SPI (Poster)
[ID:50] Evaluation of Projected Decadal Wind Energy Potential in Chiang Mai (Poster)
[ID:87] Multiple Suppression for 2D Marine Seismic Data Using Surface-related Multiple Elimination and Parabolic Radon Filtering (Oral)
[ID:89] The Archaeomagnetic Field Recorded in Ancient Kiln Walls in Si Sisatchanalai, Sukhothai (Oral)
[ID:102] Integrated Studies to Investigate Paleochannel Aquifer in Dan Chang district, Suphan Buri Province, Western Thailand (Poster)
[ID:105] Recycling Perovskite Solar Cell by Novel Spray Processes (Oral)
[ID:120] The Thermo-Viscous and Shock Remanent Magnetization Recorded in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Crater, Virginia (Oral)
[ID:136] Estimation of the Internal Exposure from Indoor Radon, Thoron and their Progeny in Residence around High Background Radiation Area, Phang Nga Province (Poster)
[ID:146] Single-Axis Solar Tracking System Referring to Date and Time (Poster)
[ID:150] Density and Types of Rocks found Fossils in Soil Wells, La-ngu District, Satun Geopark Area (Poster)
[ID:151] Influence of El Nino and La Nina on Tropical Cyclones over the South China Sea (Poster)
[ID:159] Holocene Sea Level of Sating-Pra Peninsula, Southern Thailand (Poster)
[ID:163] Application of IR and UV Radiation in an Intelligent Chicken Farm for High Production and Green Environment (Poster)
[ID:180] Improved Mixing Height Estimates from Atmospheric LiDAR Measurements (Oral)
[ID:195] What controls oxygen isotopes in stalagmites? Answers from a daily resolved precipitation record from peninsular Thailand (Invited Speaker)
[ID:200] Fukushima: Plan to Dump Treated Radioactive Water into Pacific Ocean; “What We Should Know” (Invited Speaker)
[ID:36] A Simple Interference Experiment of Polarized Light Using Polarization Interferometer (Poster)
[ID:38] An Application of Reflective Holographic Gratings for Measurement of Cylindrical Curvature (Poster)
[ID:59] Separate the Overlapping Latent Fingerprints Using Fourier Optics (FO) (Oral)
[ID:62] Investigation on Optical Integration Between LED Mid-IR Light Sources and Si-Based Waveguide for Spectroscopic Sensing Applications (Poster)
[ID:79] The Simulation of the Microwave Shielding Properties of the Dual Band Pass Frequency Selective Surface (Oral)
[ID:112] Low-Cost Laser Diode Pulse Generator for Quantum Information Applications (Poster)
[ID:127] Development of Non-invasive Alcohol Analyzer by Using Photoplethysmography (Poster)
[ID:168] Broad-Band Coherent Perfect Absorption in Systems with a Non-Linear Lossy Component (Oral)
[ID:199] NARIT Center for Optics and Photonics activities and development plan (Invited Speaker)
[ID:12] Line Spacing Calibration by Using NIMT Line Scale Interferometer System (Poster)
[ID:27] Towards Accurate Non-Contact Moisture Inspection using THz Imaging and Thickness Information (Oral)
[ID:90] Color Measurement of Yellow Sapphire by UV-Vis Reflectance Spectroscopy (Poster)
[ID:91] Luster Measurement of Pearl by UV-Vis Reflectance Spectroscopy (Poster)
[ID:113] Modeling and Simulation of Quad Band Radio Frequencies Energy Harvesting System (Oral)
[ID:133] Improvement of Simulated Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Signals from Explosive Detection via a Red-Pitaya Board (Oral)
[ID:148] Activities for Geodetic VLBI in Thailand (Oral)
[ID:201] NIMT Researches on Quantum-Based Measurement Standards Laying Foundation for New Metrological Traceability in Thailand (Invited Speaker)
[ID:69] Warning System for Wrong Posture Sitting by Analyzing the Tilt Angle of the Back and Neck (Poster)
[ID:72] Role of Hopper Angle on the Jamming of Granular Material under Vertical Vibration (Poster)
[ID:129] Simulation of Wave Propagation using Graph-Theoretical Algorithm (Oral)
[ID:137] A Portable Fluorescence Sensing Device for On-site Sensing Applications (Oral)
[ID:161] A Simple Improvement of Off-Grid Solar Photovoltaic Panel Using Integrated Reflector (Poster)
[ID:187] Development of Optical Coherence Tomography as Innovative Tools for Biomedical Research and Applications in Thailand (Invited Speaker)
[ID:19] Modification of Attitude Towards Physics of High School Students by Using STEM Education Lessons on Simple Harmonic Motion (Poster)
[ID:20] Should We Teach Free-Body Diagrams before or after Newton’s Laws? (Oral)
[ID:24] Newton’s Law of Cooling Experiment Set using Temperature Sensor Arduino (Poster)
[ID:25] Activities on Reflection of Light Based on Low-Cost Materials at Eighth Grade (Poster)
[ID:31] The Photometric Law of Distance Experimental Set Using Light Sensor Arduino for Growing Sunflower Sprouts (Poster)
[ID:40] Low-Cost Light Interference Experimental Set with Automatically Display Intensity of Interference and Diffraction Patterns (Oral)
[ID:42] Development of Teaching Material for Moon Phase Observation Using Julian Day Calculation (Poster)
[ID:55] The Effect of Angle and Length to the Period of the Simple Pendulum (Poster)
[ID:80] Development of Pre-Service Teachers’ Understanding about the Star and Constellation by Using Active Learning Method (Poster)
[ID:81] Smartphones as Detector the Speed of Sound: A Classroom Explanation and Demonstration (Poster)
[ID:83] Chaotic Motion of a Triple Physical Pendulum Model Analysis of Biomechanics as Arm Movement Using Tracker (Poster)
[ID:84] Students’ Understanding of the Inverse Square Law in Electrostatics (Poster)
[ID:85] Measuring Refractive Index Gradient of Sugar Solution (Oral)
[ID:93] Applying Helmholtz Resonator to Determine Peed of Sound (Poster)
[ID:106] Exploring the Links between Physics and Astronomy Education Teaching and Learning in the Philippines (Oral)
[ID:140] Demonstration of Light Reflection for Rendering Realistic Trees Image (Poster)
[ID:143] The Hybrid Learning of Using the 3D Printing and Open Approach Processes as: the Case Study in Classroom of the “Motions on Inclined Plane” (Poster)
[ID:153] Development Creativity of Grade 5 students on Electricity through STEM Education of Electric Circuit (Oral)
[ID:156] How Students Understand the Meaning of Quantum State (Poster)
[ID:162] Projectile Motion: Surveying High-School Students understanding after Using Column Vector. (Poster)
[ID:167] The Projectile Launcher with Motion Path for Enhancing Students’ Problem-Solving Skills (Poster)
[ID:170] Student teachers’ Multi Representations on Heat Transfer in Solid and Liquid from the Inquiry Activities (Oral)
[ID:197] Implications of Half a Century of Research on Alternative Conceptions/Misconceptions for Physics Education (Invited Speaker)
[ID:198] Student Eye Tracking Study in Interpretation of Simple Harmonic Motions (Invited Speaker)
[ID:22] Rope Coiling on a Rotating Plane (Oral)
[ID:33] Dual Fluid for Kerr-Newman Black Hole (Poster)
[ID:173] An Investigation of Discrete Energy Spectrum of Newton’s Equivalent Asymmetrical Finite Square Well (Oral)
[ID:194] Towards Explainable Natural Language Modeling with Quantum Tensor Networks (Invited Speaker)
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